Third Eye Chakra: Wisdom, discernment, intuition, knowledge Sanskrit Name: Ajna Seed Sound: OM Element: Light Color: Indigo Sense: Intuition, extra sensory perception Right: To see Statement: ‘I see’ Vibrational Note: A Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows Timeline: 35-42 years
The sixth (Third Eye) chakra is indigo (purplish) blue and located between the eyebrows. Referred to as the ‘mind center’, it is our avenue to wisdom. It connects us to our internal intuitions and sharpens our senses. Here we learn from our experiences and put them in perspective. This chakra is about vision, imagination, wisdom, intellect, insight, clairvoyance and dreaming. Our third eye helps us to separate reality from delusion and aids us in seeing ‘the big picture’. It is also associated with our deeper sense of Spirit. It is the level of consciousness that hold our motivations and directs our actions and our lives. It may help to get a feel of third eye chakra concepts by reviewing these words from The Sevenfold Journey:
light vision dreams memory clairvoyance darkness beauty memory imagination intuition color pattern visualization
The statement that embodies the third eye chakra is ‘I see’. The birthright is the right to see. The third eye chakra develops throughout life but is most strongly influenced during the years 35-42. Information that is stored inside the third eye chakra includes: seeing the clear picture (symbolic or literal), wisdom, intuition, mental facilities, and intellect.
A person with a balanced third eye chakra has a heightened concentration and mental aptitude, distinguishing information clearly. Imagination and inner vision are enhanced. Dreams tend to be more vivid and remembering them becomes easier. Deeper understanding brings an open mind, dissolving egoic ideas, conditionings, false ideas of racism, and misidentifications. A balanced third eye chakra encourages empathy, intuition, possibly clairvoyance.
When the third eye chakra is unbalanced, the mind is not clear. Concepts of reality are confused and skewed. If it is under-active, one may experience fatigue, sleep issues, confusion, and timidity. We may feel disoriented, lost in daydreams, and unable to focus or listen intently. Vision may be impaired making it difficult to envision the future, imagine, or visualize goals. One may be rigid in thought, relying on beliefs and other people rather than having independent thinking. Dream life is minimal and remembering dreams is more difficult. When the third eye chakra is over-active, one may overly fantasize and even hallucinate or become delusional. One may also experience nightmares. The overactive mind makes focus and concentration difficult.
Third eye chakra questions for self-awareness:
Am I able to focus and think clearly?
Do I trust my intuition? Do I believe in my own ability to make clear decisions?
Do I see mistakes and negative situations as opportunities to learn, grow and develop?
What thought patterns or beliefs do I have that may be keeping me from seeing life clearly?
Do I consider myself to be a spiritual person, with a higher level of consciousness?
Do I allow time for silence in my life for the whispers of intuition to be heard?
Physical Associations: The third eye chakra governs certain physical areas of the body: pituitary and pineal glands, brain, neurological system, eyes, ears, and nose.
Physical ailments and dysfunctions: headaches, brain tumors, strokes, seizures, eye strain, blindness, deafness, learning disabilities, spinal problems, panic, depression, sleep disturbance, nightmares, sinus congestion, and hormonal imbalances.
How can I bring balance to my third eye chakra?
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